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                          SetFillStyle procedure

  DECLARATION:  SetFillStyle(Pattern : Word; Color : Word);

      PURPOSE:  Sets the fill pattern and color

         UNIT:  Graph

      REMARKS:  Sets the pattern and color to the bit pattern specified in
                Pattern and the color specified by Color.  The FillPattern
                will be used for all filling done by Bar, Bar3D, FillPoly,
                FloodFill and PieSlice.

                If the value passed to SetFillStyle is invalid, GraphResult
                will return a value of -11 (grError) and the current fill
                settings will be left unchanged.

                The default pattern is solid and the default color is the
                maximum color value in the palette.  A variety of patterns
                are available.

 RESTRICTIONS:  Must first be in graphics mode.

See Also: SetFillStyle
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson